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  • 微处理器(ARM/PowerPC等)
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2014-07-21
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  • 543kb
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ek-lm4f120xl TI Stellaris LaunchPad 例程之出厂自带源码 闪烁变换RGBLED 有串口命令控制 按键控制等综合程序-A demonstration of the Stellaris LaunchPad (EK-LM4F120XL) capabilities.

Press and/or hold the left button traverse toward the red end of the

ROYGBIV color spectrum. Press and/or hold the right button to traverse

toward the violet end of the ROYGBIV color spectrum.

Leave idle for 5 seconds to see a automatically changing color display

Press and hold both left and right buttons for 3 seconds to enter

hibernation. During hibernation last color on screen will blink on the

LED for 0.5 seconds every 3 seconds.

Command line UART protocol can also control the system.

Command help to generate list of commands and helpful information.

Command hib will place the device into hibernation mode.

Command rand will initiate the pseudo-random sequence.

Command intensity followed by a number between 0.0 and 1.0 will scale

the brightness of the LED by that factor.

Command rgb followed by a six character hex value will set the color. For

example rgb FF0000 will produc





















































































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