

DrawOfMemory源码包,VC++内存绘图例子代码,包括了多个实用的VC++函数:比如DrawLine函数:将传入函数的值以图像的形式显示到对应的控件上(int AllNum:总的数据量,int Value[]:数据值数组,COLORREF PenColor:画笔的颜色,CWnd *pWnd:需要显示曲线的控件指针);DrawWave函数,将传进函数的值以图像的形式显示到对应的控件上;DrawMultiLine函数:将传进函数的值以图像的形式显示到对应的控件上,可以显示多个数据段。参数定义:

  int Mult:总共需要显示几类数据

  int AllNum:每类数据总的数据量

  int Value[]:数据值数组,组成形式:数据1+数据2+数据3+ ...

  COLORREF PenColor:每类数据的画笔的颜色

  CWnd *pWnd:需要显示曲线的控件指针

  还有一些函数不一一列举了,请自行下载源码查看-DrawOfMemory source package, VC++ memory mapping code examples, including a number of practical VC++ function: for example DrawLine function: the value passed to the function displayed in the form of the image to the corresponding controls (int AllNum: the total amount of data, int Value []: an array of data values​ ​ , COLORREF PenColor: brush color, CWnd* pWnd: need to show the curve control pointers) DrawWave function, will pass into the function value is displayed in the form of an image to the corresponding controls DrawMultiLine function: the passed into the function value is displayed in the form of an image to the corresponding control, you can display multiple data segments. Parameters are defined:

int Mult: A total of several types of data to be displayed

int AllNum: total amount of data for each type of data

int Value []: an array of data values​ ​ , consisting of forms: Data 1 Data 2+ 3+ ...+ data

COLORREF PenColor: brush color for each type of


























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