暗黑2 pvpcn 服务端,仅供参考。PvPGN has started as a game server emulation project, taking the excelent s
bnetd project source and working on it. While initially it has started as
a War3 emulation patch over bnetd it become a lot more than that (lots of
new features, lots of code changes organizing). Because of the code roots
you will notice a lot of things still carrying the "bnetd" word (most notable
examples are the main servers program file called "bnetd" or the main server
configuration file called bnetd.conf). We considered that as a sign of respect
from us to the bnetd coders we keep their names on the code they written (but
on the new code of course we may name them different).-Diablo2 pvpgn server
bnetd project source and working on it. While initially it has started as
a War3 emulation patch over bnetd it become a lot more than that (lots of
new features, lots of code changes organizing). Because of the code roots
you will notice a lot of things still carrying the "bnetd" word (most notable
examples are the main servers program file called "bnetd" or the main server
configuration file called bnetd.conf). We considered that as a sign of respect
from us to the bnetd coders we keep their names on the code they written (but
on the new code of course we may name them different).-Diablo2 pvpgn server