(1) 友好的用户界面,首先用一个弹出式窗口提示用户输入文件名
(2) 在用户输入文件名回车后,关闭上面的对话框,并打开相应的文本文件,然后将其内容显示在一个文本窗口中,如图12-2所示(读者可以根据实例20的内容,进一步美化界面,如仿照TC编辑窗口,添加边框等)。要求:当文本文件内容行数大于窗口行数时,能够通过上、下方向键进行翻页,定位相应部分的文本内容。
(3) 能够响应上、下、左、右四个方向键,修改光标的位置。
(4) 能够响应Esc键,退出应用程序。
-(1) User-friendly interface, first with a pop-up window prompts the user to enter a file name
(2) After the user enters the file name enter, close the dialog above, and open the text file, and then its contents are displayed in a text window. When the contents of a text file line number is greater than the number of lines the window, through the upper and lower arrow keys to turn the page, locate the corresponding part of the text.
(3) to respond to upper, lower, left, and right direction keys to modify the cursor position.
(4) to respond to the Esc key to exit the application.
(2) 在用户输入文件名回车后,关闭上面的对话框,并打开相应的文本文件,然后将其内容显示在一个文本窗口中,如图12-2所示(读者可以根据实例20的内容,进一步美化界面,如仿照TC编辑窗口,添加边框等)。要求:当文本文件内容行数大于窗口行数时,能够通过上、下方向键进行翻页,定位相应部分的文本内容。
(3) 能够响应上、下、左、右四个方向键,修改光标的位置。
(4) 能够响应Esc键,退出应用程序。
-(1) User-friendly interface, first with a pop-up window prompts the user to enter a file name
(2) After the user enters the file name enter, close the dialog above, and open the text file, and then its contents are displayed in a text window. When the contents of a text file line number is greater than the number of lines the window, through the upper and lower arrow keys to turn the page, locate the corresponding part of the text.
(3) to respond to upper, lower, left, and right direction keys to modify the cursor position.
(4) to respond to the Esc key to exit the application.