本文在研究现有大量航迹起始方法的基础上, 在机载脉冲多普勒雷达环境下, 提出了一种用于机动目标和非机动目标的并行联合概率航迹起始逻辑. 其主要思想是在工程实现背景下, 通过对两种具有不同起始性能的航
迹起始逻辑进行合并, 构成一种新的航迹起始逻辑, 兼顾机动目标和非机动目标的航迹起始. 蒙特卡罗模拟结果表明,
新方法克服了原有航迹起始方法的缺陷, 保留了原有航迹起始方法的优点, 降低了航迹起始平均时间, 改善了航迹起
始正确概率.-Based on the study of various existing track initiation method, in airborne pulse Doppler radar environment, for a motor goal is proposed
Parallel joint probability of track initiation logic standard and non maneuvering target. Its main idea is implemented in engineering background, through different starting performance of two kinds of air
Track initiation logic are combined, constitute a new track initiation logic, both track maneuvering and non maneuvering targets. The simulation results show that the Monte Carlo,
The new method overcomes the defects of the existing track initiation method, advantages of the original track initiation method, reduces the average track initiation time, improve the path
Before correct probability.
迹起始逻辑进行合并, 构成一种新的航迹起始逻辑, 兼顾机动目标和非机动目标的航迹起始. 蒙特卡罗模拟结果表明,
新方法克服了原有航迹起始方法的缺陷, 保留了原有航迹起始方法的优点, 降低了航迹起始平均时间, 改善了航迹起
始正确概率.-Based on the study of various existing track initiation method, in airborne pulse Doppler radar environment, for a motor goal is proposed
Parallel joint probability of track initiation logic standard and non maneuvering target. Its main idea is implemented in engineering background, through different starting performance of two kinds of air
Track initiation logic are combined, constitute a new track initiation logic, both track maneuvering and non maneuvering targets. The simulation results show that the Monte Carlo,
The new method overcomes the defects of the existing track initiation method, advantages of the original track initiation method, reduces the average track initiation time, improve the path
Before correct probability.