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NDN(Named Data Networking)是由加州大学洛杉矶分校Lixia Zhang团队为首开展的研究项目,该项目由NSF Future Internet Architecture(FIA)资助,开始于2010年。NDN的提出是为了改变当前互联网主机-主机通信范例,使用数据名字而不是IP地址进行数据传递,让数据本身成为因特网架构中的核心要素。NDN保持沙漏模型,采用七层结构,下层协议都是为了适配底层物理链路和通信而设计,上层协议为对应相关的应用而设计。与TCP/IP模型最大的区别就是在中间层用命名数据(内容块)取代IP 。Content-centric Networking(CCN)由PARC的Van Jacobson在2009年提出。CCN和NDN仅是叫法不同,无本质上的区别。这是ccn第7版实现代码-NDN (Named Data Networking) is a UCLA team led by Lixia Zhang conduct research projects funded by the NSF Future Internet Architecture (FIA) funding, which began in 2010. NDN was proposed to change the current Internet hosts- host communication paradigm, using the data name instead of the IP address for data transfer, let the data itself becomes a core element of the Internet architecture. NDN remains an hourglass model, using seven structures are designed to fit the bottom of the lower layer protocols and physical communications link designed to correspond to the upper layer protocol-related applications. The biggest difference with the model TCP/IP is used in the intermediate layer name instead of IP data (content block). Content-centric Networking (CCN) proposed by the PARC s Van Jacobson in 2009. CCN and NDN is just a different name, no essential difference. This is the 7th edition ccn implementation code


































































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