假彩色图像与伪彩色图像增强的方法不同,前者增强的图像对象是一幅真彩色图像,而后者是以单一通道的图像作为彩色增强的对象。 -False color images are the images of several channels are represented in different colors, a color image obtained by combining them. False color images and pseudo-color image enhancement methods, the former enhanced image object is a true color image, which is a single-channel image of the object as color enhancement.
假彩色图像与伪彩色图像增强的方法不同,前者增强的图像对象是一幅真彩色图像,而后者是以单一通道的图像作为彩色增强的对象。 -False color images are the images of several channels are represented in different colors, a color image obtained by combining them. False color images and pseudo-color image enhancement methods, the former enhanced image object is a true color image, which is a single-channel image of the object as color enhancement.