约瑟夫斯(Josephus)问题的一种描述是:编号为1,2,…,n的n个人按顺时针方向围坐一圈,每人持有一个密码(正整数)。一开始任选一个正整数作为报数上限值m,从第一个人开始按顺时针方向自1开始报数,报到m时停止报数。报m的人出列,将他的密码作为新的m值,从他在顺时针方向下一个人开始重新从1报数,如此下去,直至所有的人全部出列为止。-A descr iption of Josephus (Josephus) question is: numbered 1,2, ..., n n individuals clockwise direction around a circle, each holding a password (positive integer). Choose a positive integer beginning as reported upper limit m, began a clockwise direction from the first person to stop self-reported the number 1 to start off, report m. M out of newspaper columns, his password as the new value of m, from his start in the clockwise direction from the next person to re-report the number 1, and so on, until all the people all of the columns so far.
Joseph loop.cpp