本章在分析PMSM DTC系统存在的转矩和磁链脉动问题的基础上,深入研究了一种新型的控制方法,就是把磁链的扇区进行细分,仿真结果表明,在采用扇区细分控制策略以后,PMSM DTC能够获得良好的动态性能,转矩脉动问题也显著的减小-In the traditional direct torque control system,the system can produce torque ripple for that the system has margins of error in observation of stator flux position and the inverter switching frequency is not fixed.To solve this problem, this paper studies the control scheme based on flux observation error,which combine the voltage space vector pulse width modulation technology with direct torque technology.Voltage space vector selection of arbitrary phase and amplitude of the flux and torque,We can select Voltage space vector in arbitrary phase and amplitude by Error of the flux and torque so that torque ripple can reduce.The simulation results show that this control strategy is feasible, and the new PMSM DTC system is superior to the conventional one.