的重要途径[1 ]。目前MIMO系统中使用的发射方案主要包括:①贝尔分层空时结构BI STA(Bell Layered
Space Time Architecture)[。 ;②正交空时分组码OSTBC(Orthogonal Space Time Block Coding) ;⑧空时
格型编码STTC(Space Time Trellis Coding) 。-Motivated by the need for high throughput sphere decoding formultipleinput-
multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems, we propose
a parallel depth-first sphere decoding (PDSD) algorithm that provides
the advantages of both parallel processing and rapid search
space reduction. The PDSD algorithm is designed for efficient implementation
on programmable multi-processor platforms. We investigate
the trade-off between the throughput and computation overhead
when the number of processing elements is 2, 4 and 8, for a 4×
4 16-QAM system across a wide range of SNR conditions. Through
simulation, we show that PDSD can offer significant throughput improvement
without incurring substantial computation overhead by
selecting the appropriate number of processing elements according
to specific SNR conditions.
的重要途径[1 ]。目前MIMO系统中使用的发射方案主要包括:①贝尔分层空时结构BI STA(Bell Layered
Space Time Architecture)[。 ;②正交空时分组码OSTBC(Orthogonal Space Time Block Coding) ;⑧空时
格型编码STTC(Space Time Trellis Coding) 。-Motivated by the need for high throughput sphere decoding formultipleinput-
multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems, we propose
a parallel depth-first sphere decoding (PDSD) algorithm that provides
the advantages of both parallel processing and rapid search
space reduction. The PDSD algorithm is designed for efficient implementation
on programmable multi-processor platforms. We investigate
the trade-off between the throughput and computation overhead
when the number of processing elements is 2, 4 and 8, for a 4×
4 16-QAM system across a wide range of SNR conditions. Through
simulation, we show that PDSD can offer significant throughput improvement
without incurring substantial computation overhead by
selecting the appropriate number of processing elements according
to specific SNR conditions.