This paper presents a simple but fast and effective method
to detect TCP SYN flooding attacks. Linear prediction analysis is
proposed as a new paradigm for DoS attack detection. The proposed
SYN flooding detection mechanism makes use of the exponential backoff
property of TCP used during timeouts. By modeling the difference
of SYN and SYN+ACK packets, we are successfully able to detect an
attack within short delays. We use this method at leaf routers and
firewalls to detect the attack without the need of maintaining any state.
to detect TCP SYN flooding attacks. Linear prediction analysis is
proposed as a new paradigm for DoS attack detection. The proposed
SYN flooding detection mechanism makes use of the exponential backoff
property of TCP used during timeouts. By modeling the difference
of SYN and SYN+ACK packets, we are successfully able to detect an
attack within short delays. We use this method at leaf routers and
firewalls to detect the attack without the need of maintaining any state.
Detection of Syn Flooding Attacks using Linear Prediction Analysis.pdf