VB_CapVB6控制摄像头保存图像的源码例子,测试时候要找一个安装有摄像头的电脑上测试,在显示图像的时候,点击“save pic”按钮,可把当前的摄像头中的图像抓拍下来。
-VB_CapVB6 control the camera to save the image of the source code examples, the test when looking for a camera installed on the computer test, when an image is displayed, click " save pic" button in the current camera image capture down.
-VB_CapVB6 control the camera to save the image of the source code examples, the test when looking for a camera installed on the computer test, when an image is displayed, click " save pic" button in the current camera image capture down.