This code is a database which holds records for bank account records. It is not a simulation of what you would see at an ATM machine but it would be a simulation of a bank administrator. You have the capability of entering records such as Checking or Saving. You also have the capability of deleting, archiving, and reloading records which 1.0 did not have. You have the option(s) to withdrawal X amount, or deposit X amount in the specified bank account. There are a lot of features I added that were really not necessary but the purpose is to \"teach\" new features to people (students) who wish to learn certain features of C++. The main point of this program is to allow the user to grasp some advanced concepts of C++. This will be the final version of the Bank Account. I have made a few optimizations and tweaked the program. Enjoy!
-This code is a database which holds records for bank account records. It is not a simulation of what you would see at an ATM machine but it would be a simulation of a bank administrator. You have the capability of entering records such as Checking or Saving. You also have the capability of deleting, archiving, and reloading records which 1.0 did not have. You have the option(s) to withdrawal X amount, or deposit X amount in the specified bank account. There are a lot of features I added that were really not necessary but the purpose is to \"teach\" new features to people (students) who wish to learn certain features of C++. The main point of this program is to allow the user to grasp some advanced concepts of C++. This will be the final version of the Bank Account. I have made a few optimiza
-This code is a database which holds records for bank account records. It is not a simulation of what you would see at an ATM machine but it would be a simulation of a bank administrator. You have the capability of entering records such as Checking or Saving. You also have the capability of deleting, archiving, and reloading records which 1.0 did not have. You have the option(s) to withdrawal X amount, or deposit X amount in the specified bank account. There are a lot of features I added that were really not necessary but the purpose is to \"teach\" new features to people (students) who wish to learn certain features of C++. The main point of this program is to allow the user to grasp some advanced concepts of C++. This will be the final version of the Bank Account. I have made a few optimiza
压缩包 : 97288422bank_accou18338212272004.zip 列表 @PSC_ReadMe_8757_3.txt _Bank_Account_/ _Bank_Account_/Account.cpp _Bank_Account_/Account.h _Bank_Account_/checkingAccount.cpp _Bank_Account_/checkingAccount.h _Bank_Account_/control.cpp _Bank_Account_/control.h _Bank_Account_/Debug/ _Bank_Account_/defines.h _Bank_Account_/doMain.cpp _Bank_Account_/findRecord.cpp _Bank_Account_/main.cpp _Bank_Account_/mainMenu.cpp _Bank_Account_/miscFunctions.cpp _Bank_Account_/quit.cpp _Bank_Account_/savingAccount.cpp _Bank_Account_/savingAccount.h _Bank_Account_/stdafx.cpp _Bank_Account_/stdafx.h _Bank_Account_/typeDefs.h _Bank_Account_/verifyDuplicateEntries.cpp _Bank_Account_/_Bank_Account_.ncb _Bank_Account_/_Bank_Account_.sln _Bank_Account_/_Bank_Account_.suo _Bank_Account_/_Bank_Account_.vcproj