人月神话的作者Frederick P. Brooks,Jr.是北卡罗来纳大学Kenan-Flagler商学院的计算机科学教授,北卡来罗来纳大学位于美国北卡来罗来纳州的查布尔希尔。Brooks被认为是“IBM 360系统之父”,他担任了360系统的项目经理,以及360操作系统项目设计阶段的经理。凭借在上述项目的杰出贡献,他、Bob Evans和Erich Bloch在1985年荣获了美国国家技术奖(National Medal of Techology)。早期,Brooks曾担任IBM Stretch和Harvest计算机的体系结构师-Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Was University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School, Professor of Computer Science, North Carolina to Romania Carolina University is located in North Carolina to Romania Carolina Chapel Hill. Brooks is considered the "IBM 360 system" Father, he served as project manager for 360 systems, as well as 360 operating system design phase of the project manager. With outstanding contribution in these projects, he, Bob Evans and Erich Bloch in 1985 was awarded the National Medal of Technology (National Medal of Techology). Early, Brooks served as IBM Stretch and architecture of the computer division Harvest
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