男人撑过二十秒源码android版,使用重力感应器来操控游戏。玩家要躲避丑女人,用到了Android检测碰撞技术,检测两个圆是否相交,如果出了边界就抛异常,看向一个人, 一般用于在刚刚出来的时候,将自己的方向朝向男人,检测与另一个人是否碰撞,学习游戏编写时定义各种控制器、游戏面板、感应器管理器、创建控制器及面板对象并关连、将事件交由controller捕获处理、系统初始化等。
-Men get through twenty seconds source android version, use the gravity sensor to control the game. Players who want to escape the ugly, use the Android collision detection technology to detect whether the intersection of two circles, if out of the border to throw an exception, look to a person, generally used in the just came out, his orientation toward man, detection whether the collision with another person, learning the game of writing define various controllers, game board, sensors Manager, create the controller and the panel object and connected, the event captured by controller processing, system initialization.
-Men get through twenty seconds source android version, use the gravity sensor to control the game. Players who want to escape the ugly, use the Android collision detection technology to detect whether the intersection of two circles, if out of the border to throw an exception, look to a person, generally used in the just came out, his orientation toward man, detection whether the collision with another person, learning the game of writing define various controllers, game board, sensors Manager, create the controller and the panel object and connected, the event captured by controller processing, system initialization.