单项选择题标准化考试系统 (1) 用文件保存试题库。(每个试题包括题干、4个备选答案、标准答案) (2) 试题录入:可随时增加试题到试题库中 (3) 试题抽取:每次从试题库中可以随机抽出N道题(N由键盘输入) (4) 答题:用户可实现输入自己的答案 自动判卷:系统可根据用户答案与标准答案的对比实现判卷并给出成绩。-Multiple-choice standardized test system (1) to save the file test database. (Each question, including casual, four possible answers, the standard answer) (2) questions entry: may add questions to the test database (3) questions extraction: N question each time can be randomly selected from the test database ( N input from the keyboard) (4) answer: the user can graders enter their answers automatically: The system can be based on user answers contrast with the standard answer graders and gives results.