
  • 所属分类:
  • 单片机(51,AVR,MSP430等)
  • 资源属性:
  • [PDF]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2013-05-21
  • 文件大小:
  • 513kb
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  • 1次
  • 提 供 者:
  • w**
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本设计以HOLTEK单片机作为汽车的检测和控制的核心,以实现自动控制防盗和安全检测。通过热释红外传感器和磁传感器实现车辆的防盗检测,如车辆被盗,可通过GPS对汽车的轨迹进行定位,并将定位坐标传至通过GSM网络传送至车主手机,让用户实时掌握被盗车辆的位置信息。在车辆行驶过程中,通过震动传感器对行车安全进行检测,如车辆发生以外,可向车主亲人发送车辆的位置信息,让失事车辆及时获救。另外,当车主与车的距离在大约10m以上,汽车会自动上锁;如果距离在大约10m以内,汽车会自动解锁。-The design HOLTEK microcontroller as the core of the detection and control of the car in order to achieve automatic control anti-theft and safety testing. Pyroelectric infrared sensor and the magnetic sensor to achieve the vehicle anti-theft detection, such as the vehicle is stolen, can be positioned on the trajectory of the car through the GPS location coordinates and transmitted through the GSM network is sent to the owners of mobile phones, allow users to grasp in real time the stolen vehicle The location information. In the process of vehicle vibration sensors to detect traffic safety, such as the outside of the vehicle, to the owners of their loved ones to send the location information of the vehicle, so that the crashed vehicles were rescued in time. In addition, when the owners and the distance to the vehicle in about 10m, the car automatically locked if the distance is less than about 10m, the car will automatically unlock.





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