研究了一种数字中频 GPS 信号生成方法。给出了数字中频信号数学模型,模型考虑了各种因素对信号的影响。通过导航电文分析,提出信号传播时延、多普勒频移以及信号入射方向的估计方法。给出了中频信号产生的流程,对其中时延的设置,信号的上变频、信号幅度设置以及方向信息的导入进行了阐述。对所生成的信号模型进行了仿真分析,给出了信号产生各个阶段的频谱,对所生成的信号进行了相关捕获。仿真结果表明频谱特征符合理论分析,能够被捕获并找出信号时延从而实现定位。证明该信号模型能作为信号源应用于 GPS接收机研制中。-】The paper discusses a digital IF GPS signal generation method, gives the mathematic
model of digital IF signal. This mathematic model takes into account the influence of various
factors. Based on analysis of the navigation data, the method to estimate signal propagation time,
Doppler frequency shift and the coming angle of signal is proposed. The flow to generate IF signal
is given, in which the setting of time delay, the up-frequency conversion, the setting of signal
magnitude and the introduction of direction information are expounded. The signal generation model
is simulated and analyzed, the spectrum of signal in each stage given, and the correlation capture
of the generated signal also done. Simulation indicates that the spectrum is in accord with
theoretical analysis the signal could be captured, thus find the time delay, accomplish the
orientation. The signal model is proved applicable in the research and development of GPS receiver.
model of digital IF signal. This mathematic model takes into account the influence of various
factors. Based on analysis of the navigation data, the method to estimate signal propagation time,
Doppler frequency shift and the coming angle of signal is proposed. The flow to generate IF signal
is given, in which the setting of time delay, the up-frequency conversion, the setting of signal
magnitude and the introduction of direction information are expounded. The signal generation model
is simulated and analyzed, the spectrum of signal in each stage given, and the correlation capture
of the generated signal also done. Simulation indicates that the spectrum is in accord with
theoretical analysis the signal could be captured, thus find the time delay, accomplish the
orientation. The signal model is proved applicable in the research and development of GPS receiver.