本书介绍了使用ASP.Net开发的项目包括了酒店管理系统、连锁中心配送系统、企业信息管理系统、鲜花预订系统、学生管理系统、学生选课系统、blog、在线考试系统、网上书店系统。读者对像是有一定的ASP.NeT基础的学生 、做毕业设计的学生、即将找工作的学生但没有开发经验的人员 -This book introduces the use ASP.Net development projects including the hotel management system, chain center of distribution systems, enterprise information management system, flowers, reservation system, student management system, student course selection system, blogs, online examination system, the online bookstore system. Have certain ASP.NeT readers like the foundation of students, students do the graduation design, students will be looking for a job but without the personnel of development experience