Title: "Voice Recognition and Identification system".
Mainly involves:
1: Human speaker recognition
2: Technical data of samples
3: linear and logarithmic power spectrum plot
4: Plots for different values for N
5: Mel Space
6: Modified spectrum
7: 2D plot of accustic vectors
8: Plot of the 2D trained VQ codewords
9: Recognition rate of the computer
and so on-Title: "Voice Recognition and Identification system".
Mainly involves:
1: Human speaker recognition
2: Technical data of samples
3: linear and logarithmic power spectrum plot
4: Plots for different values for N
5: Mel Space
6: Modified spectrum
7: 2D plot of accustic vectors
8: Plot of the 2D trained VQ codewords
9: Recognition rate of the computer
and so on.....
Mainly involves:
1: Human speaker recognition
2: Technical data of samples
3: linear and logarithmic power spectrum plot
4: Plots for different values for N
5: Mel Space
6: Modified spectrum
7: 2D plot of accustic vectors
8: Plot of the 2D trained VQ codewords
9: Recognition rate of the computer
and so on-Title: "Voice Recognition and Identification system".
Mainly involves:
1: Human speaker recognition
2: Technical data of samples
3: linear and logarithmic power spectrum plot
4: Plots for different values for N
5: Mel Space
6: Modified spectrum
7: 2D plot of accustic vectors
8: Plot of the 2D trained VQ codewords
9: Recognition rate of the computer
and so on.....
voice recognition\~$icerecognition.doc