种检测方法国内外研究人员展开了广泛的研究。本文介绍了基于模型的人体运动参数检测方法的研究现状, 为人
体仿生学和拟人机器人等领域的科学研究提供依据-Mea sur e for huma n mo tio n par ameter s is a main method to g ener ate computer simulatio n o f human
mot ion and t o co nt ro l humano id r obot mot ion. Recently, ex tensive resear ches o n this sensing metho d have been
carr ied o ut by abr oad and domestic r esear chers. This paper intro duces pr esent r esear ch status of human motion
paramet ers in or der to pro vide refer ences fo r scientific resear ch fields of human bionics, humanoid r obot , etc.
种检测方法国内外研究人员展开了广泛的研究。本文介绍了基于模型的人体运动参数检测方法的研究现状, 为人
体仿生学和拟人机器人等领域的科学研究提供依据-Mea sur e for huma n mo tio n par ameter s is a main method to g ener ate computer simulatio n o f human
mot ion and t o co nt ro l humano id r obot mot ion. Recently, ex tensive resear ches o n this sensing metho d have been
carr ied o ut by abr oad and domestic r esear chers. This paper intro duces pr esent r esear ch status of human motion
paramet ers in or der to pro vide refer ences fo r scientific resear ch fields of human bionics, humanoid r obot , etc.
Measure for Human.pdf