空气动力学特性是汽车的重要特性之一,它直接影响汽车的动力性、燃油经济性、操纵稳定性、舒适性与安全性。其中,空气动力学中的空气阻力(风阻)是影响油耗的首要因素,降低风阻系数则是提高汽车燃油经济性的重要途径之一。汽车空气动力学性能对汽车的安全性、经济性和舒适性具有重要影响。汽车空气动力学的首要研究任务是通过试验或者数值模拟研究获得汽车行驶时汽车本身所受到的气动力的变化,改善汽车的行驶性能,评价汽车的节能-in the selected prototype structure. Their use, requiring large openings in the floor system, would have required a very complex model of the floor system for both linear and nonlinear analysis of the structure.
A detailed descr iption of the dimensions, materials, design procedures, and construction of the test structure can be found elsewhere.6 A summary of this information is given below.
空气动力学特性是汽车的重要特性之一,它直接影响汽车的动力性、燃油经济性、操纵稳定性、舒适性与安全性。其中,空气动力学中的空气阻力(风阻)是影响油耗的首要因素,降低风阻系数则是提高汽车燃油经济性的重要途径之一。汽车空气动力学性能对汽车的安全性、经济性和舒适性具有重要影响。汽车空气动力学的首要研究任务是通过试验或者数值模拟研究获得汽车行驶时汽车本身所受到的气动力的变化,改善汽车的行驶性能,评价汽车的节能-in the selected prototype structure. Their use, requiring large openings in the floor system, would have required a very complex model of the floor system for both linear and nonlinear analysis of the structure.
A detailed descr iption of the dimensions, materials, design procedures, and construction of the test structure can be found elsewhere.6 A summary of this information is given below.