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论文概述了超声波检测的发展及基本原理,阐述了超声波传感器的原理及特性。对于系统的一些主要参数进行了讨论,并且在介绍超声波测距系统功能的基础上,提出了系统的总体构成。通过多种发射接收电路设计方案比较,得出了最佳设计方案,并对系统各个设计单元的原理进行了介绍。对组成各系统电路的芯片进行了介绍,并阐述了它们的工作原理。论文介绍了系统的软件结构,通过编程来实现系统功能。-This article describes a microcontroller-based data acquisition hardware and software design, data acquisition system is the essential link between the analog and digital domains, and its presence has a very important role. The focus of this paper is the data acquisition system, and part of the center of gravity of the system hardware is that the microcontroller. The hardware part is a microcontroller as the core, but also including the A/D conversion module, LCD1602 display module part. The measured voltage of the 8-way through the ADC ADC0809, the analog-to-digital conversion, analog to digital conversion on the data collected, and the converted data through the LCD1602 display to display the results collected, and can be button to view the voltage value of an arbitrary path, the entire system with easy operation, simple circuit, the measurement error is small, etc.. Keywords: microcontroller AT89S52, analog-to-digital converter ADC0809 data acquisition, LCD1602 display
























































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