电子密码锁: 本系统由单片机系统、矩阵键盘、LED显示和报警系统组成。系统能完成开锁、超时报警、超次锁定、管理员解密、修改用户密码基本的密码锁的功能。除上述基本的密码锁功能外,还具有调电存储、声光提示等功能,依据实际的情况还可以添加遥控功能。本系统成本低廉,功能实用-Electronic password lock: The system consists of single-chip systems, matrix keyboard, LED display and alarm systems. The system can unlock timeout alarm, Transdimensional locked decrypt administrator, modify the user password password lock function. In addition to the basic password lock function, but also have to adjust electricity storage, sound and light tips can also add remote control function according to the actual situation. The cost of the system, functional and practical
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