Source Code
The code is written in C++ using VisualStudio on Windows platform.
1.Download the HarmonicMapper.zip file, unzip it.
2.Enter Harmonicmapper/HarmonicMapper directory, double click on RiemannMapper.sln file. Compile the project using Visual Studio.
3.Copy the output binary to HarmonicMapper/bin/HarmonicMapper.exe
4.Go to HamronicMapper/demo/Alex directory, double click on HarmonicMap_test.bat
5.The code will start running, and the results will be displayed simpleviewer.exe. The output file is alex.uv.m.
-Source Code
The code is written in C++ using VisualStudio on Windows platform.
1.Download the HarmonicMapper.zip file, unzip it.
2.Enter Harmonicmapper/HarmonicMapper directory, double click on RiemannMapper.sln file. Compile the project using Visual Studio.
3.Copy the output binary to HarmonicMapper/bin/HarmonicMapper.exe
4.Go to HamronicMapper/demo/Alex directory, double click on HarmonicMap_test.bat
5.The code will start running, and the results will be displayed simpleviewer.exe. The output file is alex.uv.m.
The code is written in C++ using VisualStudio on Windows platform.
1.Download the HarmonicMapper.zip file, unzip it.
2.Enter Harmonicmapper/HarmonicMapper directory, double click on RiemannMapper.sln file. Compile the project using Visual Studio.
3.Copy the output binary to HarmonicMapper/bin/HarmonicMapper.exe
4.Go to HamronicMapper/demo/Alex directory, double click on HarmonicMap_test.bat
5.The code will start running, and the results will be displayed simpleviewer.exe. The output file is alex.uv.m.
-Source Code
The code is written in C++ using VisualStudio on Windows platform.
1.Download the HarmonicMapper.zip file, unzip it.
2.Enter Harmonicmapper/HarmonicMapper directory, double click on RiemannMapper.sln file. Compile the project using Visual Studio.
3.Copy the output binary to HarmonicMapper/bin/HarmonicMapper.exe
4.Go to HamronicMapper/demo/Alex directory, double click on HarmonicMap_test.bat
5.The code will start running, and the results will be displayed simpleviewer.exe. The output file is alex.uv.m.