Variable capacitors are key elements in electrostatic micro-power generators. In such devices inertial
forces are used to do work against the electric field of the capacitor, thereby converting mechanical
energy to electrical potential energy that can be extracted by a suitable circuit. Applications are
envisaged in portable, wearable or implantable electronic devices where body motion could provide
the mechanical energy source.-Variable capacitors are key elements in electrostatic micro-power generators. In such devices inertial
forces are used to do work against the electric field of the capacitor, thereby converting mechanical
energy to electrical potential energy that can be extracted by a suitable circuit. Applications are
envisaged in portable, wearable or implantable electronic devices where body motion could provide
the mechanical energy source.
forces are used to do work against the electric field of the capacitor, thereby converting mechanical
energy to electrical potential energy that can be extracted by a suitable circuit. Applications are
envisaged in portable, wearable or implantable electronic devices where body motion could provide
the mechanical energy source.-Variable capacitors are key elements in electrostatic micro-power generators. In such devices inertial
forces are used to do work against the electric field of the capacitor, thereby converting mechanical
energy to electrical potential energy that can be extracted by a suitable circuit. Applications are
envisaged in portable, wearable or implantable electronic devices where body motion could provide
the mechanical energy source.