◆ 数据:指能够被计算机识别、存储和加工处理的信息载体。
◆ 数据元素:就是数据的基本单位,在某些情况下,数据元素也称为元素、结点、顶点、记录。数据元素有时可以由若干数据项组成。
◆ 数据类型:是一个值的集合以及在这些值上定义的一组操作的总称。
◆ 抽象数据类型(ADT):是指一个数学模型以及定义在该模型上的一组操作。
一个抽象的数据类型的软件模块通常包含 定义和表示和实现
-Chapter ◆ data: that can be recognized by the computer, storing and processing information carrier. ◆ data elements: the basic unit is the data, in some cases, the data elements are also called elements, nodes, vertices record. Data element may be composed by a number of data items. ◆ Data type: is a set of values, and these values are defined on a set of operations in general. In the high-level language program is divided into: non-structural type and structure of the atomic type ◆ abstract data type (ADT): refers to a mathematical model and define the model on a set of actions. An abstract data type definitions, and typically includes software modules that implement and triples (D, S, P): a data object, data relationships, the basic operation
◆ 数据:指能够被计算机识别、存储和加工处理的信息载体。
◆ 数据元素:就是数据的基本单位,在某些情况下,数据元素也称为元素、结点、顶点、记录。数据元素有时可以由若干数据项组成。
◆ 数据类型:是一个值的集合以及在这些值上定义的一组操作的总称。
◆ 抽象数据类型(ADT):是指一个数学模型以及定义在该模型上的一组操作。
一个抽象的数据类型的软件模块通常包含 定义和表示和实现
-Chapter ◆ data: that can be recognized by the computer, storing and processing information carrier. ◆ data elements: the basic unit is the data, in some cases, the data elements are also called elements, nodes, vertices record. Data element may be composed by a number of data items. ◆ Data type: is a set of values, and these values are defined on a set of operations in general. In the high-level language program is divided into: non-structural type and structure of the atomic type ◆ abstract data type (ADT): refers to a mathematical model and define the model on a set of actions. An abstract data type definitions, and typically includes software modules that implement and triples (D, S, P): a data object, data relationships, the basic operation