Ha decades, the inclusion of non-linear loads in dustrial circuits has grown considerably due to the benefits provided by it, especially in motor drives. The main feature of these charges is the emergence of harmonic components. These are undesirable, since in an electrical generation is performed in only one frequency. One of the main impacts of these harmonics in the power distribution is its influence on the power factor, which is not possible to identify them with the use of conventional power theory requiring the use of theories dedicated to this type of phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the influence of harmonics in power factor.-INFLUENCE OF HARMONICS IN POWER FACTOR CORRECTION
Ha decades, the inclusion of non-linear loads in industrial circuits has grown considerably due to the benefits provided by it, especially in motor drives. The main feature of these charges is the emergence of harmonic components. These are undesirable, since in an electrical generation is performed in only one frequency. One of the main impacts of these harmonics in the power distribution is its influence on the power factor, which is not possible to identify them with the use of conventional power theory requiring the use of theories dedicated to this type of phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the influence of harmonics in power factor.
Ha decades, the inclusion of non-linear loads in dustrial circuits has grown considerably due to the benefits provided by it, especially in motor drives. The main feature of these charges is the emergence of harmonic components. These are undesirable, since in an electrical generation is performed in only one frequency. One of the main impacts of these harmonics in the power distribution is its influence on the power factor, which is not possible to identify them with the use of conventional power theory requiring the use of theories dedicated to this type of phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the influence of harmonics in power factor.-INFLUENCE OF HARMONICS IN POWER FACTOR CORRECTION
Ha decades, the inclusion of non-linear loads in industrial circuits has grown considerably due to the benefits provided by it, especially in motor drives. The main feature of these charges is the emergence of harmonic components. These are undesirable, since in an electrical generation is performed in only one frequency. One of the main impacts of these harmonics in the power distribution is its influence on the power factor, which is not possible to identify them with the use of conventional power theory requiring the use of theories dedicated to this type of phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the influence of harmonics in power factor.
Poster TCC_SEAC_ 2013.pdf