针对该调度问题,分析自行车拥有量超过或者少于需求量的不同租赁点,并假设自行车缺少的租赁点不向外调度自行车,只接受拥有量大于需求量的租赁点的自行车调入,在定义相关常量、初始化相关数据结构的基础上,使用递归算法,求解主函数使得调度成本最少,即 。先计算任意调配方案及每个多车的租赁点在调配后剩余车辆,并根据租赁点剩余数值计算最小花费,若此花费大于记录的最小花费,证明此种调配不合理,退出重新调配,对下一个少车租赁点进行调配并还原调配前的可供调配的车辆信息,以此循环直到得出最低成本,输出调度信息。-
10 bicycle rental points in demand and relevant location and ownership as the basis to establish the cost of dispatching the smallest objective function, take the C programming method for solving the optimal scheduling scheme.
For this scheduling problem, analyze bicycle ownership exceeds or is less than the demand for different rental, and assuming no bike rental points out the lack of scheduling bike, only accept greater than the demand has bicycle rental points transferred, in the definition related constants, initialize the associated data structures, based on using a recursive algorithm for solving the main function makes scheduling cost at least that. First calculate any deployment plan and each multiple car rental points remaining after the deployment of vehicles and numerical calculations based on the minimum rental points remaining to spend, if this cost is greater than the minimum cost records to demonstrate that this allocation is unreasonable, exit redeployment of the ne
针对该调度问题,分析自行车拥有量超过或者少于需求量的不同租赁点,并假设自行车缺少的租赁点不向外调度自行车,只接受拥有量大于需求量的租赁点的自行车调入,在定义相关常量、初始化相关数据结构的基础上,使用递归算法,求解主函数使得调度成本最少,即 。先计算任意调配方案及每个多车的租赁点在调配后剩余车辆,并根据租赁点剩余数值计算最小花费,若此花费大于记录的最小花费,证明此种调配不合理,退出重新调配,对下一个少车租赁点进行调配并还原调配前的可供调配的车辆信息,以此循环直到得出最低成本,输出调度信息。-
10 bicycle rental points in demand and relevant location and ownership as the basis to establish the cost of dispatching the smallest objective function, take the C programming method for solving the optimal scheduling scheme.
For this scheduling problem, analyze bicycle ownership exceeds or is less than the demand for different rental, and assuming no bike rental points out the lack of scheduling bike, only accept greater than the demand has bicycle rental points transferred, in the definition related constants, initialize the associated data structures, based on using a recursive algorithm for solving the main function makes scheduling cost at least that. First calculate any deployment plan and each multiple car rental points remaining after the deployment of vehicles and numerical calculations based on the minimum rental points remaining to spend, if this cost is greater than the minimum cost records to demonstrate that this allocation is unreasonable, exit redeployment of the ne