

几篇介绍firefly algorithm 的文章,包括一篇最新的综述类文章,对初学者应该非常有用。-A few articles for firefly algorithm , including a comprehensive article.It will be very useful for beginners.




firefly algorithm\Clustering using firefly algorithm_ Performance study.pdf
.................\Continuous _re_y algorithm applied to PWR core pattern enhancement.pdf
.................\Evaluation of Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution.pdf
.................\Firefly algorithm approach based on chaotic Tinkerbell map applied to multivariable PID controller tuning.pdf
.................\Fire_y Algorithm for solving non-convex economic dispatch problems with valve.pdf
.................\Fire_y algorithm with chaos.pdf
.................\Fire_y-inspired algorithm for discrete optimization problems_ An application to.pdf
.................\Improved firefly algorithm approach applied to chiller loading for energy conservation.pdf
.................\Multi-objective enhanced _re_y algorithm for community detection in.pdf
.................\Multilevel minimum cross entropy threshold selection based on the firefly algorithm.pdf
.................\Multimodal size shape and topology optimisation of truss structures using.pdf
.................\Network and reliability constrained unit commitment problem using binary.pdf
.................\Optimal test sequence generation using _re_y algorithm.pdf
.................\Support vector regression with chaos-based _re_y algorithm for stock market.pdf
.................\Yang x s\A comprehensivereviewof firefly algorithms.pdf
.................\........\Mixed variable structural optimization using Fire_y Algorithm.pdf
.................\Yang x s
firefly algorithm


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