The MIToolbox contains a set of functions to calculate information theoretic
quantities from data, such as the entropy and mutual information. The toolbox
contains implementations of the most popular Shannon entropies, and also the
lesser known Renyi entropy. -The MIToolbox contains a set of functions to calculate information theoretic
quantities from data, such as the entropy and mutual information. The toolbox
contains implementations of the most popular Shannon entropies, and also the
lesser known Renyi entropy.
quantities from data, such as the entropy and mutual information. The toolbox
contains implementations of the most popular Shannon entropies, and also the
lesser known Renyi entropy. -The MIToolbox contains a set of functions to calculate information theoretic
quantities from data, such as the entropy and mutual information. The toolbox
contains implementations of the most popular Shannon entropies, and also the
lesser known Renyi entropy.