The User-Defined Targets application demonstrates how to create a target directly on a device from within an application. End users are now able to display augmentations without the need for a predefined physical target. The sample shows how to capture a target and augment a teapot on top of the image.-The User-Defined Targets application demonstrates how to create a target directly on a device from within an application. End users are now able to display augmentations without the need for a predefined physical target. The sample shows how to capture a target and augment a teapot on top of the image.
The User-Defined Targets application demonstrates how to create a target directly on a device from within an application. End users are now able to display augmentations without the need for a predefined physical target. The sample shows how to capture a target and augment a teapot on top of the image.-The User-Defined Targets application demonstrates how to create a target directly on a device from within an application. End users are now able to display augmentations without the need for a predefined physical target. The sample shows how to capture a target and augment a teapot on top of the image.