poj 3943
Taro attempts to tell digits to Hanako by putting straight bars on the floor. Taro wants to express each digit by making one of the forms shown in Figure 2.
Since Taro may not have bars of desired lengths, Taro cannot always make forms exactly as shown in Figure 2. Fortunately, Hanako can recognize a form as a digit if the connection relation between bars in the form is kept. Neither the lengths of bars nor the directions of forms affect Hanako’s perception as long as the connection relation remains the same. For example, Hanako can recognize all the awkward forms in Figure 3 as digits. On the other hand, Hanako cannot recognize the forms in Figure 4 as digits. For clarity, touching bars are slightly separated in Figures 2, 3 and 4. Actually, touching bars overlap exactly at one single point.
-poj 3943 Taro attempts to tell digits to Hanako by putting straight bars on the floor. Taro wants to express each digit by making one of the forms shown in Figure 2. Since Taro may not have bars of desired lengths, Taro cannot always make forms exactly as shown in Figure 2. Fortunately, Hanako can recognize a form as a digit if the connection relation between bars in the form is kept. Neither the lengths of bars nor the directions of forms affect Hanako' s perception as long as the connection relation remains the same . For example, Hanako can recognize all the awkward forms in Figure 3 as digits. On the other hand, Hanako cannot recognize the forms in Figure 4 as digits. For clarity, touching bars are slightly separated in Figures 2, 3 and 4. Actually , touching bars overlap exactly at one single point.
Taro attempts to tell digits to Hanako by putting straight bars on the floor. Taro wants to express each digit by making one of the forms shown in Figure 2.
Since Taro may not have bars of desired lengths, Taro cannot always make forms exactly as shown in Figure 2. Fortunately, Hanako can recognize a form as a digit if the connection relation between bars in the form is kept. Neither the lengths of bars nor the directions of forms affect Hanako’s perception as long as the connection relation remains the same. For example, Hanako can recognize all the awkward forms in Figure 3 as digits. On the other hand, Hanako cannot recognize the forms in Figure 4 as digits. For clarity, touching bars are slightly separated in Figures 2, 3 and 4. Actually, touching bars overlap exactly at one single point.
-poj 3943 Taro attempts to tell digits to Hanako by putting straight bars on the floor. Taro wants to express each digit by making one of the forms shown in Figure 2. Since Taro may not have bars of desired lengths, Taro cannot always make forms exactly as shown in Figure 2. Fortunately, Hanako can recognize a form as a digit if the connection relation between bars in the form is kept. Neither the lengths of bars nor the directions of forms affect Hanako' s perception as long as the connection relation remains the same . For example, Hanako can recognize all the awkward forms in Figure 3 as digits. On the other hand, Hanako cannot recognize the forms in Figure 4 as digits. For clarity, touching bars are slightly separated in Figures 2, 3 and 4. Actually , touching bars overlap exactly at one single point.