ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛(英文全称:ACM International Collegiate ProgrammingContest(ACM-ICPC或ICPC)是由美国计算机协会(ACM)主办的,一项旨在展示大学生创新能力、团队精神和在压力下编写程序、分析和解决问题能力的年度竞赛。经过近30多年的发展,ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛已经发展成为最具影响力的大学生计算机竞赛。这些是一些ACM的试题
-ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (English name: ACM International Collegiate ProgrammingContest (ACM-ICPC or ICPC) is by the American Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) organized, one designed to showcase students' creativity, teamwork and programming under pressure, analytical and problem-solving skills of the annual contest. After nearly 30 years of development, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest has become the most influential college computer contest and these are some of the questions ACM
-ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (English name: ACM International Collegiate ProgrammingContest (ACM-ICPC or ICPC) is by the American Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) organized, one designed to showcase students' creativity, teamwork and programming under pressure, analytical and problem-solving skills of the annual contest. After nearly 30 years of development, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest has become the most influential college computer contest and these are some of the questions ACM