简单 电子商务的发展有其必然性和可能性。传统的商业是以手工处理信息为主,并且通过纸上的文字交换信息,但是随着处理和交换信息量的剧增,该过程变得越来越复杂,这不仅增加了重复劳动量和额外开支,而且也增加了出错机会,在这种情况下需要一种更加便利和先进的方式来快速交流和处理商业往来业务;另一方面,计算机技术的发展及其广泛应用和先进通信技术的不断完善及使用导致了EDI和Internet 的出现和发展,全球社会迈入了信息自动化处理的新时代,这又使得电子商务的发展成为可能。
在必然性和可能性的推动下,电子商务得到了较快发展,特别是近两年来其发展速度令世人震惊。虽然-Simple development of electronic commerce has its inevitability and possibilities. The traditional manual processing business is information-based, and the exchange of information through text on paper, but with the rapid increase in the amount of information processing and exchange, the process becomes more complex, which not only increases the amount of duplication of effort and additional expenditure, but also increases the opportunities for error, in this case requires a more convenient and advanced way to quickly exchange and processing business dealings business the other hand, development of computer technology and its wide applications and advanced communications technology continues improved and the use of EDI and the Internet has led to the emergence and development of the global information society has entered a new era of automated processing, which in turn makes possible the development of e-commerce. The necessity and possibility of promotion, e-commerce has been rapid d
在必然性和可能性的推动下,电子商务得到了较快发展,特别是近两年来其发展速度令世人震惊。虽然-Simple development of electronic commerce has its inevitability and possibilities. The traditional manual processing business is information-based, and the exchange of information through text on paper, but with the rapid increase in the amount of information processing and exchange, the process becomes more complex, which not only increases the amount of duplication of effort and additional expenditure, but also increases the opportunities for error, in this case requires a more convenient and advanced way to quickly exchange and processing business dealings business the other hand, development of computer technology and its wide applications and advanced communications technology continues improved and the use of EDI and the Internet has led to the emergence and development of the global information society has entered a new era of automated processing, which in turn makes possible the development of e-commerce. The necessity and possibility of promotion, e-commerce has been rapid d