Title: Convolution Sum.
Aim: Write a generalized program to find the linear convolution of two Sequences and verifying the
properties of convolution
1. Explain what is convolution.
2. Write down its derivation.
3. Write down different methods to solve the convolution.
4. What are the different properties of convolution?
-Title: Convolution Sum.
Aim: Write a generalized program to find the linear convolution of two Sequences and verifying the
properties of convolution
1. Explain what is convolution.
2. Write down its derivation.
3. Write down different methods to solve the convolution.
4. What are the different properties of convolution?
Aim: Write a generalized program to find the linear convolution of two Sequences and verifying the
properties of convolution
1. Explain what is convolution.
2. Write down its derivation.
3. Write down different methods to solve the convolution.
4. What are the different properties of convolution?
-Title: Convolution Sum.
Aim: Write a generalized program to find the linear convolution of two Sequences and verifying the
properties of convolution
1. Explain what is convolution.
2. Write down its derivation.
3. Write down different methods to solve the convolution.
4. What are the different properties of convolution?