function cent=FastPeakFind(d, threshold, filt ,edg, fid)
Analyzes noisy 2D images , finds x-y positions of peaks to 1 pixel accuracy
The code was meant to be as fast as possible, so I kept it pretty basic.
The code assumes that the peaks are relatively sparse, test whether there
is too much pile up and set threshold or user defined filter accordingly.
-function cent=FastPeakFind(d, threshold, filt ,edg, fid)
Analyzes noisy 2D images , finds x-y positions of peaks to 1 pixel accuracy
The code was meant to be as fast as possible, so I kept it pretty basic.
The code assumes that the peaks are relatively sparse, test whether there
is too much pile up and set threshold or user defined filter accordingly.
Analyzes noisy 2D images , finds x-y positions of peaks to 1 pixel accuracy
The code was meant to be as fast as possible, so I kept it pretty basic.
The code assumes that the peaks are relatively sparse, test whether there
is too much pile up and set threshold or user defined filter accordingly.
-function cent=FastPeakFind(d, threshold, filt ,edg, fid)
Analyzes noisy 2D images , finds x-y positions of peaks to 1 pixel accuracy
The code was meant to be as fast as possible, so I kept it pretty basic.
The code assumes that the peaks are relatively sparse, test whether there
is too much pile up and set threshold or user defined filter accordingly.