没有附加自己的配置sln文档,因为我不是默认安装,所以请自己配置,然后将cpp源码添加替换即可,不明白可以联系qq1050654578.-The implementation of obtain the kinect the data stream, and the show, so you can clearly understand the specific functions openni2 function, and can deal with the corresponding data. Do not attach your own the configuration the sln document, because I was not installed by default, so please configure, and then add the cpp source replacement can not understand can contact qq1050654578.
没有附加自己的配置sln文档,因为我不是默认安装,所以请自己配置,然后将cpp源码添加替换即可,不明白可以联系qq1050654578.-The implementation of obtain the kinect the data stream, and the show, so you can clearly understand the specific functions openni2 function, and can deal with the corresponding data. Do not attach your own the configuration the sln document, because I was not installed by default, so please configure, and then add the cpp source replacement can not understand can contact qq1050654578.