1. 研究空时分组码的编译码原理及算法;
2. 研究了几种不同的协作分集系统模型和协作分集协议;
3. 将空时分组码编译码器与协同通信用硬件描述语言Verilog实现,并在ISE集成环境中综合仿真,结果正确后下载到FPGA电路板上;
4. 用示波器观察输出数据是否正确,验证空时分组码协同通信的性能。
-1. Decoding Principles of space-time block codes and algorithms 2. Study several different system model of cooperative diversity and cooperative diversity protocol 3 space-time block code codec and collaborative communication using the Verilog hardware descr iption language to achieve ISE Integrated environment and comprehensive simulation results correctly downloaded to the FPGA circuit board observed with an oscilloscope output data is correct, verify empty block codes collaborative communication performance.
2. 研究了几种不同的协作分集系统模型和协作分集协议;
3. 将空时分组码编译码器与协同通信用硬件描述语言Verilog实现,并在ISE集成环境中综合仿真,结果正确后下载到FPGA电路板上;
4. 用示波器观察输出数据是否正确,验证空时分组码协同通信的性能。
-1. Decoding Principles of space-time block codes and algorithms 2. Study several different system model of cooperative diversity and cooperative diversity protocol 3 space-time block code codec and collaborative communication using the Verilog hardware descr iption language to achieve ISE Integrated environment and comprehensive simulation results correctly downloaded to the FPGA circuit board observed with an oscilloscope output data is correct, verify empty block codes collaborative communication performance.