《C++ 99个常见错误》本书是C++大师Stephen C. Dewhurst在多年教授C++课程中所遇到的常见错误的心得笔记上编写而成的。本书所有章节都从一个众所周知的、在日常编码或设计实践经常遭遇的问题入手,先指出其不足,再对其背后思想中存在的合理与不合理之处深入剖析,最后取其精华弃其糟粕,给出一个简洁、通用、美轮美奂的方案,指出有关如何规避或纠正它们的建议,从而有助于C++软件工程师避免重蹈他们前辈的覆辙。-" C++ 99 Common Errors" This book is written on the diary of Stephen C. Dewhurst, C++ Masters encountered in years Professor C++ courses, common errors. All chapters of the book are from a well-known problem frequently encountered in day-to-day coding or design practice to start, first pointed out its shortcomings and in-depth analysis, rational and irrational at its behind thought, and finally its essence abandoning its dross, given a simple, GM, beautiful program, pointed out that the information about how to avoid or correct their proposals, thus contributing to the C++ software engineers to avoid repeating the mistakes of their predecessors.