
  • 所属分类:
  • 汇编语言
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2013-03-18
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  • 351kb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 吴**
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1. 所设计的复数计算器可以进行+、-、*、+=、*=、>=、<=、==、!=运算,其中>=、<=是针对复数的模进行;

2. 设计输入重载函数,要求能接收从键盘输入a+bi形式的复数,在程序中可以识别出实部并正确赋值。

3. 设计计算器测试程序,对加减法进行测试,要求在两位数以内进行,对乘法进行测试,乘法要求为一位数的运算。

4. 设计记录功能,可以记录下不同用户使用计算器的情况,记录以文件形式保存在计算机内,程序运行时要求输入用户名,显示该用户以前的记录。用户记录包括:做了多少次加减法、乘法、进行测试的次数,后3次的测试平均分等,在退出计算器程序时用新的用户记录代替原有记录。

-1 the plural calculator can be+,-,*,+ =,* =, > =, < =, = =,! = arithmetic, which is based on complex > =, < = die

2 design input requirements of overloaded functions, can receive keyboard input from the plural form a+bi, the program can identify the real part and the correct assignment.

3 design computer test program, test the addition and subtraction, requirements in two digits, to test the multiplication, multiplication requirements for a number of operations.

4 design recording function, you can record different users using the calculator s situation, save the record in the form of a document in the computer, when the program is run for the username, display the user the previous record. The user records include: how many times do the number of addition and subtraction, multiplication, testing, 3 test average score, to replace the original recording user record new from the calculator program.

















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