先构造若干简单进程的PCB,其中应包含进程名称、队列指针;利用PCB构造就绪和等待两个队列;在main()中,可利用产生随机数函数random(int x)产生三个不同范围的数,它们分别对应进程的三种状态;当随机数落在某个范围时,便激活进程的相应状态和处理工作。
-First constructed several simple process of PCB, which should contain the name of the process, the queue pointer PCB structure is ready and waiting for the two queues in the main () function can be used to generate random numbers random (int x) to produce three different ranges number, respectively corresponding to the three states of the process when random chatter in a certain range, it activates the corresponding state of the process and processing work.
-First constructed several simple process of PCB, which should contain the name of the process, the queue pointer PCB structure is ready and waiting for the two queues in the main () function can be used to generate random numbers random (int x) to produce three different ranges number, respectively corresponding to the three states of the process when random chatter in a certain range, it activates the corresponding state of the process and processing work.