数值计算方法的教程,通过此可以更好的掌握数学方法在物理学中的应用-numerical methods and guidance through this to better grasp mathematical methods in the application of physics
压缩包 : 47651474numericalmethods7.1.zip 列表 abm.m adapt.m approot.m backsub.m bisect.m cheby.m crnich.m csfit.m diffext.m difflim.m diffnew.m dirich.m euler.m fib.m fibonacci.m findiff.m finedif.m fixpt.m forwdif.m gauss.m golden.m grads.m gseid.m hamming.m heun.m house.m invpow.m jacobi.m jacobi1.m lagran.m linsht.m lsline.m lspoly.m lufact.m milne.m muller.m nelder.m newdim.m newpoly.m newton.m power1.m qr2.m quadmin.m rctrap.m regula.m rk4.m rkf45.m rks4.m romber.m secant.m seidel.m simprl.m srule.m steff.m taylor.m tpcoeff.m traprl.m trisys.m uptrbk.m