Keil uVision2下用C语言开发的洗衣机嵌入式系统代码-Keil uVision2 using C language development of the washing machine code embedded system
压缩包 : 89346498c51washer.rar 列表 C51 Washer\Main.c C51 Washer\Main.h C51 Washer\Main.LST C51 Washer\Main.OBJ C51 Washer\PORT.H C51 Washer\Simple_EOS.c C51 Washer\Simple_EOS.h C51 Washer\Simple_EOS.LST C51 Washer\Simple_EOS.OBJ C51 Washer\Washer C51 Washer\Washer.c C51 Washer\Washer.h C51 Washer\Washer.hex C51 Washer\Washer.lnp C51 Washer\Washer.LST C51 Washer\Washer.M51 C51 Washer\Washer.OBJ C51 Washer\Washer.Opt C51 Washer\Washer.plg C51 Washer\Washer.Uv2 C51 Washer