Jan 04, 2007
1. Add SPI support, see spi.h and spi.c
2. Add driver.h
3. Modified keyboard module and display module
4. Add BitSet support, see bitset.h and bitset.c
5. Fixed some bugs
Dec 25, 2006
1. Name this OS as AvrcX
2. Release AvrcX_1.0 alpha
-Jan 04, 2007 1. Add SPI support, see spi.h and spi.c 2. Add driver.h 3. Modified k eyboard module and display module 4. Add BitSet support, see bitset.h and bitset.c 5. Fixed some bugs Jan 25. 2006 1. Name this OS as AvrcX 2. Release AvrcX_1. alpha 0
1. Add SPI support, see spi.h and spi.c
2. Add driver.h
3. Modified keyboard module and display module
4. Add BitSet support, see bitset.h and bitset.c
5. Fixed some bugs
Dec 25, 2006
1. Name this OS as AvrcX
2. Release AvrcX_1.0 alpha
-Jan 04, 2007 1. Add SPI support, see spi.h and spi.c 2. Add driver.h 3. Modified k eyboard module and display module 4. Add BitSet support, see bitset.h and bitset.c 5. Fixed some bugs Jan 25. 2006 1. Name this OS as AvrcX 2. Release AvrcX_1. alpha 0
压缩包 : 51622433avrcx.rar 列表 avrcx\arch.h avrcx\avrcx.c avrcx\avrcx.h avrcx\bfifo.c avrcx\bfifo.h avrcx\bitset.c avrcx\bitset.h avrcx\Changelog.txt avrcx\common.h avrcx\display.c avrcx\display.h avrcx\driver.h avrcx\keyboard.c avrcx\keyboard.h avrcx\lnklist.c avrcx\lnklist.h avrcx\sch.S avrcx\scheduler.c avrcx\scheduler.h avrcx\spi.c avrcx\spi.h avrcx\sync.c avrcx\sync.h avrcx\uart.c avrcx\uart.h avrcx\util.c avrcx\util.h avrcx\vssver.scc avrcx