Documentation for LMS6002D single chip transceiver
This documentation is released by Lime Microsystems for the benefit of open-source community. You re free to use it without signing an NDA with Lime Microsystems as long as you develop and open-source project.
Official web-site of Lime Microsystems: http://www.limemicro.com
This documentation is released by Lime Microsystems for the benefit of open-source community. You re free to use it without signing an NDA with Lime Microsystems as long as you develop and open-source project.
Official web-site of Lime Microsystems: http://www.limemicro.com
LMS6002Dr2-Improving transceiver performance using digital techniques-1.0r1.pdf
LMS6002Dr2-Programming and Calibration Guide-1.1r1.pdf
LMS6002Dr2-Quick Starter Manual-EVB_5_r2.3.pdf
LMS6002D-Temperature testing July 2011.pdf