CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) 中文翻译为 层叠样式表单,简称样式单。它是近几年才发展起来的新技术,1998年5月12日,Cascading Style Sheets,level 2 成为了W3C 的新标准。同时,”W3C CoreStyles "和CSS2 Validation Service" 以及“CSS Test Suite" 宣布成立。它是一组样式,样式中的属性在HTML元素中依次出现,并显示在浏览器中。样式可以定义在HTML文档的标志(TAG)里,也可以在外部附加文档作为外加文档。此时,一个样式表单可以作用于多个页面---甚至整个站点,因此具有更好的易用性和扩展性。我个人认为CSS好比是HTML语言的PLUSIN(插件),插件的功能大家应该知道,就是壮大原有的功能。你可以精确的控制主页里的每一个元素,比如一个字,用CSS你可以给它控制它的前景色、背景色、背景图片、在页面的精确位置,四周加入边框等。可以说CSS的功能是无比的强大。W3C 也极力向世界推广这一先进技术。
-CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Chinese translated as cascading style sheets, and referred to the style sheet. It is only in recent years developed a new technology, May 12, 1998, Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 to become the new standard of the W3C. At the same time, "W3C CoreStyles" and CSS2 Validation Service "and" CSS Test Suite announced the establishment of which is a set of styles, the style attribute in the HTML element in order to appear and is displayed in the browser. Styles can be defined in an HTML document the logo (TAG), can also be externally attached document as an extra document. at this point, a style sheet can act on multiple pages--- even the entire site, and therefore has a better ease of use and scalability. the CSS like the HTML language PLUSIN (plug-in), plug-in function, everyone should know, is the growth of the original features where you can precisely control Home every element, such as a word, you can control it with CSS its foreground color, background color
-CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Chinese translated as cascading style sheets, and referred to the style sheet. It is only in recent years developed a new technology, May 12, 1998, Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 to become the new standard of the W3C. At the same time, "W3C CoreStyles" and CSS2 Validation Service "and" CSS Test Suite announced the establishment of which is a set of styles, the style attribute in the HTML element in order to appear and is displayed in the browser. Styles can be defined in an HTML document the logo (TAG), can also be externally attached document as an extra document. at this point, a style sheet can act on multiple pages--- even the entire site, and therefore has a better ease of use and scalability. the CSS like the HTML language PLUSIN (plug-in), plug-in function, everyone should know, is the growth of the original features where you can precisely control Home every element, such as a word, you can control it with CSS its foreground color, background color