本手册提供有关 RealView® 编译工具 (RVCT) 汇编程序的指导和参考信息。 这包
括 armasm、独立的汇编程序以及 C 和 C++ 编译器中的嵌入式汇编程序。 本手册
本手册是为所有使用 RVCT 编写应用程序的开发者编写的。 本手册假定您是一
位有经验的软件开发人员,并且熟悉 RealView 编译工具要点指南中所述的 ARM
开发工具。-This manual provides the RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT) the assembler guidance and reference information. This including the embedded assembler armasm, independent assembler and C and C++ compiler. This manual describes the assembler command line options available for assembly language programmers use assembly language mnemonics, directive, macros and commands. Intended audience This book is written for all developers to write applications using RVCT. This manual assumes that you are an experienced software developers, and are familiar with the ARM development tools in the RealView Compilation Tools Essentials Guide.
括 armasm、独立的汇编程序以及 C 和 C++ 编译器中的嵌入式汇编程序。 本手册
本手册是为所有使用 RVCT 编写应用程序的开发者编写的。 本手册假定您是一
位有经验的软件开发人员,并且熟悉 RealView 编译工具要点指南中所述的 ARM
开发工具。-This manual provides the RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT) the assembler guidance and reference information. This including the embedded assembler armasm, independent assembler and C and C++ compiler. This manual describes the assembler command line options available for assembly language programmers use assembly language mnemonics, directive, macros and commands. Intended audience This book is written for all developers to write applications using RVCT. This manual assumes that you are an experienced software developers, and are familiar with the ARM development tools in the RealView Compilation Tools Essentials Guide.
Assembler Guide.pdf