
  • 所属分类:
  • 其他小程序
  • 资源属性:
  • [Text]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
  • 文件大小:
  • 1kb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 张*
  • 相关连接:
  • 下载说明:
  • 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!



功能:1) 随机产生100个字母的范文,范文既要显示在终端上,同时又要保存在文件中。

2) 用户录入的结果也应保存到单独的文件。

3) 录入开始前应有提示和倒计时。

4) 录入结束后显示录入所耗时间和准确率。准确率=正确的字符数/总字数*100 。

5) 允许用户在一次录入结束后选择退出程序或重新开始。

6) 同一用户的每次录入成绩应保存到同一文件中。-Randomly generated 60 letters of Pham Van, requires the user typing by Pham Van entry, entry beginning of time, after the end of the entry, the calculated entry time and accuracy. Functions: 1) randomly generated 100 letters Pham Van Pham Van to be displayed on the terminal, while stored in a file. 2) the result of user input should also be saved to a separate file. 3) Input start before the due Tips and countdown. 4) After the entry shows the entry time and accuracy. Accuracy = correct number of characters/words* 100 . 5) allows the user to select an entry after exit the program or re-start. 6) each entry of the same user results should be saved to the same file.


keyBlaze Typing Tutor.txt


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源码中国 www.ymcn.org