Importance-Driven Volume Rendering(IDVR)是对直接体绘制算法的一个改进,里面集成了各种直接体绘制算法,MIP,two level,IDVR等。有源代码,说明文档,论文,测试数据,帮助文档等。对深入了解直接体绘制有很大帮助。-This report presents an effi cient implementation using
(Importance-Driven Volume Rendering- IDVR) to render all vol-
ume objects along the view direction in relation to the associated
object importance values. Due to the higher importance of specifi c
volume objects particular parts of objects with less importance will
be cut or suppressed in their transparency if they are in front of
more important object. Thus, the user is able to clearly view those
important but hidden objects, regardless which view direction has
been chosen.
IDVR actually is an addition to the common rendering pipeline
and thus can be effi ciently combined with other known vol-
ume visualization methods, in particular with realistic and non-
photorealistic shading methods. Considering highly complex vol-
ume data sets containing various different volume objects, the IDVR
enhancement of our application will introduce an easy solution to
take care of entirely visu
(Importance-Driven Volume Rendering- IDVR) to render all vol-
ume objects along the view direction in relation to the associated
object importance values. Due to the higher importance of specifi c
volume objects particular parts of objects with less importance will
be cut or suppressed in their transparency if they are in front of
more important object. Thus, the user is able to clearly view those
important but hidden objects, regardless which view direction has
been chosen.
IDVR actually is an addition to the common rendering pipeline
and thus can be effi ciently combined with other known vol-
ume visualization methods, in particular with realistic and non-
photorealistic shading methods. Considering highly complex vol-
ume data sets containing various different volume objects, the IDVR
enhancement of our application will introduce an easy solution to
take care of entirely visu